F50 Hunniwell Medical Device Forum
F50 corporate network would like to invite investors and corporate executives to join us for the F50 Hunniwell Medical Device Forum at 4:30 PM on Monday, January 13th. This invitational event is taking place alongside the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, which will rally a global army of Health Transformers in medical devices who are reimagining the future of health.
Date: Monday, January 13rd, 2020
Time: 4:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: IndieBio, 479 Jessie, San Francisco, (Registration/Invitation required, no walk-ins)
4:00 PM Doors Open
4:30 PM Welcome Remarks
- John Racioppi, F50 Elevate
- Daniel Teo, Hunniwell Lake Ventures
- Jun Axup, IndieBio
4:40 PM Hunniwell Partner Presentation – Richard Fang (The future of surgeries)
4:50 PM Medical Device Investment Panel Moderator: John Racioppi, F50
- Uli Chettipally, InnovatorMD
- Richard Fang, Hunniwell Lake Ventures
- Morteza Ahmadi, Qidni Labs
5:10 PM Reception with wine and light appetizers
5:40 PM Welcome Remarks David Cao, F50, Special Presentation: Uli Chettipally, InnovatorMD
6:00 PM Startup Applicants Preview (2 min pitch + 1 min Q&A)
6:10 PM Special Presentation: Daniel Teo, Hunniwell Lake Ventures
6:20 PM: Apple watch raffle announcement
6:25 PM Fireside Chat Q&A (Daniel Teo, Hunniwell Lake Ventures and David Cao, F50)
6:40 PM Closing Remarks/ Reception with Wine and Dinner
The F50 Hunniwell Medical Device Forum brings together corporate executives, venture capitalists, and select startups. Hear expert investors share their insights, visit the startup showcase, and get exclusive access to the most promising HealthTech startups. We are accepting applications for a limited number of passes for qualified investors, health tech leaders, and health tech startups.
All requests will be reviewed and a confirmation email will be sent upon acceptance.